Live Your Best Life Barefoot

EP #24: Lets Improve Our Well-Being With Dr. Michelle Trias

Mary Mouritsen

 Today we talk to Dr Michelle Trias, Naturopathic Consultant.  She discusses holistic healthcare and positive impacts of what we eat, drink, and think.  You can go to the link below and watch her blogs and learn about her Detoxes that you can join.  You will get support and help from others participating in the Detox as well as Dr. Michelle.


To learn more:

Barefoot Bungalow Realty & Property Management
9200 Bonita Beach Rd SE, Suite 100
Bonita Springs, FL 34135
(239) 350-5535

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Live Your Best Life Barefoot podcast with your host Mary Mouritsen and the team at Barefoot Bungalow

Speaker 2:

Realty. Good morning. Welcome to our next episode of Live Your Best Life Barefoot. I'm here with Mary. Hey Ruth,

Speaker 3:

How are you? Great. How are you? Mary? I'm really good. I was gonna do a quick market update before we get started. Sounds great. We do still have some great properties. I was just pulling a list and there are some great properties even here in Bonita. So if you're looking, don't be afraid that there's nothing we can help you find it. And the interest rates haven't gone up too bad yet. Not yet. So we can hook you up with some good interest rates, so still great, great news in the market. That is

Speaker 2:

That's excellent for, especially for those people that are hesitating. Don't hesitate. You wanna buy, buy buy now. Yes. Yep. Oh, today our guest. I'm so excited for. I'm so excited for, how about you introduce her?

Speaker 3:

Hi Michelle. This is Dr. Michelle Trias

Speaker 4:

Hello. Did I say that right. Yes, you did. You nailed it. Good job, M ary.

Speaker 3:

I know her as Dr. Michelle. She's been, I've worked with her. She's worked with family members. I adore her and I really appreciate what she brings to all of her patient. She's done such a great job helping me and those people that I've referred. I thought it'd be a great opportunity to have you on, so welcome. Thank you. Thanks

Speaker 4:

For having me. It's great to be on. I'm so happy to see you see you both.

Speaker 3:

So tell us a little bit about who you are, what you do.

Speaker 4:

Yes. Dr. Michelle, TRIZ I go by Dr. Michelle, cause I like to keep things a little more casual in the office. But I am a traditional naturopath. S o I have a doctorate i n traditional holistic medicine. And so what that means is that instead of focusing on pharmaceuticals and chemicals, as a way to modulate or make changes into the b ody's chemistry. What we study in holistic medicine is how you can do that with food lifestyle and natural herbs and supplements that can help you re tain r e g o b ack to a state of what I call homeostasis in t he styles. Which means that the cells are happy that you are not replicating any bad cells. You're only replicating beautiful, healthy cells. That'll help you feel better and healthier. So that is what, t h at is what I've studied. And, and th at is what I bring to the practice. And so when patients come to see me, we're working on all kinds of things. There's not like a specific one thing that we're, I only focus on this or that, but, it kind of runs the gamut, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, diabetes, weight loss, headaches is a big one. Lots of people with skin conditions, eczema, psoriasis, any sort of itching on the body, can be dealt with with holistic medicine and healing the gut. So yeah, that's what I do. An d m y of fice i s i n Bo nita n ot too far from your offices, a n d love it love to help people love to see transformation happen in people's lives. And, i t's really a very rewarding work I have to

Speaker 3:

Say. And you're really good at it. And one of the things I love about working with you is I love that you're real, like it, you're not living in some monastery, you know, practicing these things. You're continuing to have a crazy normal life that, that you've implemented these things into your own life and into your own family's life. So maybe tell us a little bit about your family and who you a re p ersonally.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. I mean, they really, my family's really my why as to like, why did I go back? Why I, because I was doing something else before this, I went back to school after I had gotten my bachelor's degree to get my doctorate because of them because they were ill because my husband had acid reflux and my daughter had eczema and my other daughter had asthma. All of these conditions were happening. And one at a time I was able to help them. And it took me a long time and a lot of research. And I didn't, I wasn't even in school yet, but I just, I just was asking the question, why, why is this happening to them? And why can't we just fix this? And how can we fix this each one of them, we went through phases of modulating their food and modulating the lifestyle, what they were eating and herbal supplements. And low and behold, over time, they were all able to heal up these conditions, conditions that we were told that they would always have acid reflux, always be taking Nexium, always have asthma. She would always be on an inhaler. You'll never be able to get rid of this. And within months we were able to solve this problem. Like we didn't use any medication. We used food, we used supplements, and we used holistic approaches. And, so, but it was not easy, right? It's hard. It is hard. It is hard to make changes. I like to give my clients this, this quote, when they make a big change and I'm gonna share it with you, when you can commit to transforming your life, you commit to getting very uncomfortable over and over and over again, the friendly unfamiliar, the risky, the Me No wanna the discomfort means you're almost there. So I've been putting this at the top of my protocols. Now, Mary, I didn't do this in your, but I've been putting this at the very, very top. Like, it's okay, you're gonna be uncomfortable and it's okay. You're gonna mess up. And that's cool too. You know, like I'm not like the police here being like, you did not do what I said to do. I'm like, come on and get back on there. It's okay. You know, it's, I'm living in this world too. So I get it. It's, it's not easy. Sometimes. It's just like, what, what can I do? What can I, what can I have? Like, everything is all acid forming. Everything is all causing inflammation. So over time, you just start to learn these tricks and tips and techniques and you have things at your disposal, in the freezer, in your fridge that are just easy to grab and easy to get that are gonna, that are gonna be satisfying. So and especially with kids, I've had to plan, plan, plan so that, you know, they're not having things that I don't want them to have. I can't control everything though, you know? Right. I have a teenager,

Speaker 3:

They go to

Speaker 4:

Friends house. I, they have friends, I cannot control everything, but, you know, they have, it's, it's good. Better, best, right. You, you do your best, but not every day, sometimes it's just, okay. And that's, that's okay, too, you know, actually stressing about it is, I think we've talked about this to Mary, like yeah. Stressing about it is not helpful either. Right. So if you're gonna eat something that's on your naughty list. Oh, do so, enjoy it really, really, really like don't give yourself any guilt and just like, Hmm. That was amazing.

Speaker 3:

That is really that's good advice that's yeah, because then you own it and you reset instead of try and hide it and

Speaker 4:

Beat yourself up. Yeah. Oh yeah. And then you just lead into

Speaker 3:

Doing worse. If you beat yourself up, I'm bound to just keep doing

Speaker 4:

It then. Right. Right. Because I feel bad because I feel failure and I don't wanna feel failure. So now I'm just gonna, not, since I wanna avoid that failure feeling, I just won't do it anymore. Right. I won't try to get back on there because I don't and wanna feel failure. But if you don't consider it that way, if you consider it like, like, well, tomorrow is a new day or even today right now is a new moment and that moment's over, it's much easier to just like forgive yourself for, for doing that and, and enjoy it. Like just really, really enjoy that bite of whatever it is that you shouldn't probably have.

Speaker 3:

Right. Well, and on that note, I was hoping to cover maybe some tips that you had for all of us, probably set some great, lofty new year's resolutions for getting healthy, losing weight, getting in, that m ay b e a re waning now. Yes. so do you have some ideas and tips for us to reset and, get back into it?

Speaker 4:

Yes, absolutely. So, you know, most of us do kind of, even if we don't write it down, we've made some sort of commitment in our head, even if we didn't share it, like w e w e've said to ourselves this year, I'm gonna do this and this. And they did a study on it and most new y ear's resolutions, way over half are b roken by the third week. And another like 65% of what's remaining is broken by Valentine's day. So we're almost on Valentine's day. Most of us, most of the u s population has broken their new y ear's resolution by now. Because new y ear's resolutions don't really work i t. R ight. It's it's not, it's like, okay, I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna go out, I'm gonna eat healthy. I'm gonna go to whole food and I'm g onna, I'm g onna spend$500. I'm gonna r edo m y, that doesn't work that never works. What you have to do is take it in like little steps. So for instance, instead of trying to do that, you could do like quarterly cleanses, right. Or quarterly like detoxes of the body. Right? So if the be, you know, so you do a, you spend a week or two weeks, however you, this is what I do is quarterly. Every quarter I do a, a cleanse or a detox and this doesn't mean that I'm running to the bathroom or anything like this. This just means this, this is dedicated focused time where I'm eating completely 100% plant based and I'm, I'm meditating more and I'm taking detox, baths, and I'm, I'm doing all of these like things I'm dry brushing my skin. I'm brushing my tongue, I'm detox, detoxifying the body. And I'm going to like salt cave therapy. Like I'm doing all these things really dedicated for 14 days. And then, you know, I go off and I'm, and, and I go off of that for 14 days. And then I come back to sort of my more routine and then what happens soon, right. It, before you know, it it's another quarter has come along and it's time to do it again. That process has really kept me, in a very good place with health wise because it's like right around the time and then things start to fall off and I forget to meal prep and I'm like running around another i t's a new season. It's time to dedicate myself for fourteen days. I love doing this and I think that it has been, it h as been so transformative for me to just say, okay, let's take it in quarters. Like let's just take it a q uarter 14 days, two weeks, that's it, two weeks. And then you can, it's not. And then what happens is after you're done, you feel really good, right? You don't wanna go back to eating really bad. It takes you like another month month and have to start eating poorly again or to make some bad choices and right around the time that you're making bad choices again, time for another detox time for another cleanse time to dedicate yourself for two weeks. I think that's so much better than saying, o h, you know, it's the whole year I'm gonna do this. The entire i t's j ust impossible. Right? Just t ake i t i n a little sort of bite s ize chunk. And then instead of trying to clean out your pantry and clean out your fridge of all the things that you know are not good for you, j ust stop buying. So today I'm g onna, I'm g onna, I'm g onna, I'm g onna skip the Oreos and I'm g onna get something else or I'm just not gonna do that one thing and I'm gonna swap it out. So I swapped, you know, my I'm dairy free. So I swap out my swapped out my regular butter for vegan butter. Right. But I didn't swap everything out at one time I did it like ea ch g rocery trip. I just made a new incremental change. Okay. Now we're having almond milk. And so yeah, it was change happened in the house. Pe ople w e re l ike, this is almond milk. Now they can't, I can't live without almond milk. They love the vegan cheese. They love the vegan mayonnaise, but I did not, did not do it overnight. It's it's a s low process.

Speaker 3:

That's such smart way to look at it. In general to, and even to reassess quarterly, right. To put it on your calendar or makes a lot of sense. Yeah. Yeah. That's huge. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

It's the beginning of the quarter or it's the beginning of the new quarter then. Okay. Now here's what I'm gonna do. And it doesn't have to be, it doesn't have to be really hard. It can be pretty simple. Like I'm gonna spend these 14 days taking care of myself. Right. So in those 14 days, my family knows I don't drink, I don't have any wine. I am focused on taking care of myself. I feel really, really happy and really, really good in those 14 days because I'm like, so my much self care goes into it. So I'm like, you know, I'm not taking baths all the time, but in those 14 days I am, you know, so it's, it's great to kind of care for yourself in little, little bitty increments.

Speaker 3:

Well, and I love that, the recommendation for this, but I also love that anybody can join you. Yeah. Right. Right. Anybody. You do something that everybody can participate in and be part of. And it's, it's not easy, but it's doable b ecause you break it down and, a nd make it doable. Right. So do you wanna tell us a little bit about how they can participate if they want? Yeah,

Speaker 4:

Absolutely. So we, if you like are like, oh, I really would like to do that, but, I think I need some more support. Um, then you can come to my website and we do these quarterly cleanses together as a group. So we get on these, we get on calls and video calls and we support each other and say, how are you doing? Oh, I'm doing great. Or, oh, like, this is really hard today. Or I'm not feeling as good. C ause I can feel that I, I miss my wine or whatever. And that sort of, group group help, can be helpful for, fo r a lot of, of people. You can totally do this on your own. I've done it many seasons on my own. But if you wanted to s ome support, you could, c ome, go to my, w ebsite and you look up, d e toxes and cleanses and it's gonna be there and I promise you, it's not, u m, it's not one of those, the word detox gets a lot of fla ck. R ight. You hear it. And you're like, Ooh, s ounds, sounds awful. I promise you, it isn't, it's more just about not putting bad things in, right. Just saying I'm not gonna do that. I'm gonna have more good things, m o re about, yeah. More about making good choices than anything else. So, u m, so yeah, yeah. They can find me there at, m y That's where, that's, where they can fin ally li nk to that.

Speaker 3:

And if anything else you wanna find out about Dr. Michelle and what she can do to help you in your life, you can get at my naturowellness com. We like to throw in a question about any secret insight or tips for what you like to do here that, in Southwest Florida or any, I guess, anywhere

Speaker 4:

Like, like to do like for fun to do for fun. Hmm. Okay. This is, this is my fun thing. And so I like to go to the beach at night when, on the night of a full moon. So when the, the Moonlight is shining bright, most people don't know that you could totally get into the beach at Bonita. And it is not, you can get back there and hang out, don't go in the water in the water at night, but I will bring like electric, a big blanket and electric candles. And I will hang out with some friends and we just have a blast and, and we don't do it every month, but, but it's so fun to be there at night. No, one's around, there's no bugs. It's just like so much fun. And, uh, it's just like a secret thing that I don't think people know to do that it's, it's really fun to hang out at the beach at night. I have, it's kinda something that I did when, in my teens that I was like, ah, you know, I let's do this again with some girlfriends of mine. And, and they were like, yeah, this is so fun.

Speaker 3:

I love that. That's a, that's great. That's a great idea. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

I love that. I try it on the next, well, I say full moon so that you have some light, you know, right. Is really dark

Speaker 3:

After it warms up a little bit.

Speaker 4:

Like after April, April, may, it's like, oh, it's great at night.

Speaker 3:

It's that is so I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. Love that. I love that. Yeah. Well, thank you. We'll see you there.

Speaker 4:

Yes. You'll see me there. Beach in Bonita.

Speaker 3:

Well, thank you so much for joining us today. It's been a pleasure and we look forward to working with you more on other adventures that you have. And we love having these wonderful guests. If you have anybody in mind that you'd like to hear from, please reach out to us. You can reach us at, or on Facebook at Barefoot Bungalow Homes. So we wanna have wish you a great week and as always remember to live your best life barefoot. Thank

Speaker 1:

You for listening to the Live Your Best Life Barefoot podcast, sponsored by Barefoot Bungalow Realty to learn more about Barefoot Bungalow Realty, go to or call 2 3 9 3 5 0 5 5 3 5.